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~Blessings to all who enter here~

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Well, it looks like she's staying!

Delilah is a lovely, beautiful but very clumsy, and slightly 'off' Golden Lab.  I got her when she was only 14 weeks old.  She has grown up with me for the last 2 1/2 years.  However, due to the fact that I had to move into an apartment about a year ago, I have bounced back and forth with the idea that maybe she would be happier elsewhere.  I put out a notice, but no takers.  Then she spent a month or so out in the country.  She was living as a dog; outside, running around, making friends with the goat next door, et...
Well, I picked her up last week with the plan of taking her out to meet with a lady who places dogs in good homes.  Sunday was the day that we were planning to meet.
Sunday came; it was almost time to go; I called my son downstairs.... I ask him "What do you think? Should we, shouldn't we? I just don't know."  Well, he says "Let's ask Delilah".... He takes her head in his hands, and says "Delilah, do you want to go find a new home"?  Well, she looks at him with this face that seemed to say "Huh? New home, what are you talking about? I am home silly, now if you don't mind, I'd like to get back to my nap".
So, we decided that Delilah was happy to be home with us and as much as a lumux as she can be, I think she just needs me and really loves me. So.... She's stayin!  By the photos I've posted, I think you will see that she is quite happy about my decision.

Hey, if you enjoyed the story, let me know... leave a comment, better yet - join as a follower.
Be blessed, have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'm happy that Delilah will be home...I think she'd rather have her Momma than the countryside anyday! :)
