An interesting thing was said to me the other day; I was telling someone that I felt I needed to get to know 'me'. I felt that I had been so busy with raising kids, marriage, and so now that I am divorced and kids are older, I felt like it was time to get to know myself. Well... what I was told by this person was this... "You know who you are already. You have known since you were probably 12 years old. You have simply been resisting yourself because you are afraid that if you let 'you' be 'you' then you aren't sure if 'you' will be accepted by others.
I found this very intriguing to say the least. It is true; I have known who 'I' am since I was 12 years old. And yes, I am afraid of letting the true me show through for fear of rejection.
So, now I am learning - not so much to find out who 'I' am, but rather to let myself relax in being 'me'.
This may be confusing to some, but there are those that can totally relate to what I am saying here.
So.... before you go around in life trying to please everyone else while restraining yourself from being free to be you, just go ahead and let your inner self 'be'.
Gooseberry Patch Cookbook Giveaway!!
5 years ago
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