Hello and Happy weekend to all...I have just finished working on a project that I have been putting off and putting off. My Wagon Garden project.
You see... I have had to let a lot of things go in my life in the last couple of years, but some things you just HAVE to hold on to. Well, this wagon was one of those things for me. The wagon was a gift to my kids when they were 10, 5 and 6 mo. They are now 23, 19 and 14. That wagon has seen a LOT of action. I mean, I have so many photos and fun memories with my kids and that wagon. So, the wagon is a keeper. But... what to do with the wagon, it takes up a lot of space on my patio.
First I checked to see if the wagon had holes for drainage. I don't currently have a drill and didn't want to have to hammer holes into it (My neighbors might think I am wacky). It did have two holes, Woo Hoo again... two holes were enough for me.

Then its time to put stuff in the wagon... I start with a little bark and compost I had been saving for quite some time to use for this project. (Boy was it stinky).

After the compost I add a good garden dirt mixture.. A good ol' bag of potting soil -Thats my secret ingredient.
Now its time to get out those old seeds from the past and start deciding where every seed and seedling is going to go...

Once everything is in place, it's time to find the right place... the right place for the garden on the go.
So, we're off and rolling to get some sun. I'll keep you posted with updates on how things look as they grow. I can't tell you all that is in the garden. Some seeds weren't labeled, I couldn't find my old lavender seeds I had saved, but they might have been mixed into the dirt, hmmm, not sure. Either way - it's going to be gorgeous and I can't wait till it's in full bloom.